John Holbrook


Scrollable is an app for displaying tabular data (input as a CSV file) as a smoothly-animated scrolling table, with optional images displayed in between iterations of the table:

Scrollable displays a "controller window" which is used to set the data & images to be dsiplayed, as well as various display options. The data to be displayed can be input through Scrollable's built-in table editor, or imported or saved as a CSV file.

Screenshot of scrollable controller window

The display is served as a web page, which can be viewed in any modern web browser from any device on the same local network as the computer running the controller. This makes it easy to display the same data on multiple screens throughout a large event venue, as well as integrate a Scrollable display into a livestream by loading the display as a browser source in OBS.

For more info or to download Scrollable, check out the project on GitHub:

Scrollable on GitHub