John Holbrook

About John

As you can probably guess from the domain name and header text, I am John Holbrook.

Professionally, I work at the NASA IV&V Education Resource Center in Fairmont, West Virginia. I am the lead for our robotics outreach efforts, including running student robotics competitions across WV and coordinating a series of annual summer camps.

Personally, I'm interested in computer programming, making things, 3D printing, acronyms, and similar topics. This site lists several of my projects, as well as information about some topics of interest.

I have a degree in Computer Science from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, where I also helped lead the school's student-run club sailing team.

I grew up in Huntington, West Virginia and Orleans, Massachusetts, where I played with robots, learned to sail and race sailboats, got interested in programming, and took things apart, usually in a misguided attempt to fix them.

This site is hosted using Jekyll and GitHub Pages. The associated GitHub repository can be viewed here.